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News and Articles

Evening Run around the Neighborhood

Evening Run around the Neighborhood

February 13, 2021

After all that’s happening in the world (COVID 19), it’s best to stay fit but how’s your running routine anyway? Running in the evening just around the neighborhood would be the best choice for now, safe from the crowd and the threat of catching the virus.  It has been almost...

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Run Your First Marathon!

Run Your First Marathon!

February 12, 2021

Running your first Marathon requires both physical and mental preparation. If you are a beginner, you have a lot to prepare and learn when joining in to Marathons. Here’s a trick question. Which part of you gives up first during a long run? Is it your heart? Lungs? Or your...

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The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Runners

The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Runners

December 10, 2020

Our Gift Guide for Runners has all of the fun and useful products that will make those special runners in your life happy during the holiday season. Your run-loving loved ones will be ecstatic with such a vast selection, from stylish accessories to practical gadgets, we’ve got you covered!  Please...

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Dog Walking at Night: Lights, Gear and Some Practical Advice

Dog Walking at Night: Lights, Gear and Some Practical Advice

November 17, 2020

Walking or running at night with a dog can be challenging, but is often necessary with our busy daily schedules. After a long day at work or school, by the time you get home it may be dark outside before you get the chance to take your dog for their...

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Run In The Dark

Run In The Dark

October 06, 2020

Do you run in the dark? Either early morning before the sun comes up, or in the late evening after a long day? There is no question that night running is a very different experience than runs during the daylight hours. More planning is required, from choosing a safe route...

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14 Hilarious Running Moments From TV & Film

14 Hilarious Running Moments From TV & Film

October 06, 2020

During this "Unprecedented Time" (anyone else getting tired of hearing that phrase?) many of us have a little extra time on our hands.  It can be easy to use those extra hours to watch a movie or stream videos on YouTube.  I had never spent much time on YouTube before, but...

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Knuckle Lights Advanced
Sophia Purchase 14 minutes ago from Columbus, OH
Knuckle Lights ONE
Madison Purchase 23 minutes ago from Vancouver, WA
Knuckle Lights COLORS
Emma Purchase 53 minutes ago from San Jose, CA
Knuckle Lights Original
Jackson Purchase 52 minutes ago from Austin, TX