News and Articles

Walking at Night: 10 Key Safety Tips
Fall is right around the corner, and with each passing day, the sunlight fades a little earlier, paving the way for longer evenings and less daylight to be able to fit in your walk. From pumpkin-spiced everything to the rustling of leaves underfoot, fall brings a sense of comfort and...

Illuminating Your Path: The Comprehensive Guide to Lights for Running
Running is more than just a physical activity; it's a journey that allows us to find peace, stay fit, and connect with our surroundings. Whether you're an early riser or a night owl, having the right equipment is essential for a safe and enjoyable run. Among the many accessories that...

3 Simple Steps to Stay Safe While Running or Walking at Night
Running or walking in the dark is sometimes our only option to be able to fit our fitness routine into our crazy busy lives, but it also comes with many challenges. The lack of daylight means less visibility and therefore more risk. From seeing the road or trail in front...

Is This The Best Light Ever For Running?
Wow! Not only can you light your path while running or walking at night, but it looks like you might be able to contact other solar systems and try to communicate with aliens with this baby. We are proud of our Knuckle Lights, but certainly can't claim to compare to...

The Top 5 Benefits of Knuckle Lights
Not to toot our own horn, but we believe that our running lights are the best on the market. That might sound like a bold claim, but we truly believe in the quality of our products. Our running lights are designed to provide both illumination and visibility, helping you to...

Hiking at Night. Is This Really a Thing?
Is nighttime hiking really a thing? If you’re like me, then you probably haven’t made it a habit to go out for a hike in the late evening or before sunrise. After all, it can be a little spooky with no one else around and only your Knuckle Lights for company. But...