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Our Favorite Knuckle Lights Reviews

November 16, 2017

T Miles and Running

"When I was wearing them, I noticed cars starting to move over from also a quarter mile away. Without the knuckle lights, it would sometimes be almost the last minute before a car realizes and moves over."

T Miles and Running

A Girl on the Search for Adventure

"I did a comparison of my street with very little light at night versus with my street with the lights on. There’s a very big difference."A Girl on the Search of Adventures

Life to the Full

"Knuckle Lights are lightweight and small but they pack a big punch!"

Living Life Truth

 Road Back to Boston 

"It sounds kind of weird, but I have gotten a lot of compliments on Knuckle Lights from people who are out in the wee hours walking around my neighborhood!  They are "hand"y. :)"Road Back to Boston

"These running lights are also waterproof – so you can run with them in any weather!"
Living Loving Runner
"Knuckle Lights offer a convenient handheld option that are just as bright, if not more so, than some headlamps."
AZ Sun Goddess
"Knuckle Lights are huge on the premise of "see and be seen" which is exactly what I am looking for, so I am excited to be."
Funner Runner


"Headlamps tend to create a "tunnel vision" on the trails. With the Knuckle Lights, I could sweep with one hand to the side and see straight ahead with the other."

Confessions of an Amateur Athlete

"Knuckle Lights are a great tool for safety for any runner that ventures out for their daily runs early in the morning or later at night."

Daddy Did You Win?

Run Heifer Run

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve. My favorite safety measure is my set of KNUCKLE LIGHTS!!!"

Run Heifer Run


    Other Great Stuff

    Running at Night: a Complete Guide to Being a Night Runner
    Running Gear Rundown: Night Running Lights and Reflective Gear
    What the Heck is a Lumen? An Easy Guide to Compare Lights for Running at Night
    Dog Walking at Night: Lights, Gear and Some Practical Advice
    12 Unusual Benefits of Running at Night
    Running in the Dark: Adventures of a Night Runner
    Night Jogging or Night Running, What's the Difference?
    Hiking at Night: Is This Really a Thing?
    Walking at Night: 10 Key Safety Tips
    Running Safety: 3 Night Running Gear Must-Have's to Run in the Dark


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