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The Top 9 Running Blogs You Need to Follow!

March 08, 2018

Are you a runner, or are you thinking about joining the ranks of the pavement pounders? Whether you're an experienced marathoner or just getting started, there's a running blog out there for you. In this post, we've rounded up our 9 favorite running blogs that will keep you inspired, entertained, and motivated on your running journey. So, let's lace up those shoes and dive right into the fantastic world of running blogs!

1. Another Mother Runner ( Sarah Bowen Shea and Dimity McDowell are the dynamic duo behind this blog. They know the challenges of juggling motherhood and running, and they've got your back with practical advice, hilarious anecdotes, and plenty of motivation.

2. Moms Run This Town ( If you're looking for a supportive community of moms who run, you've found it. Moms Run This Town is all about connecting with like-minded women and sharing your passion for running.

3. Shut Up and Run ( Beth Risdon tells it like it is. Her no-nonsense approach to running and life is refreshingly real. If you want a healthy serving of tough love with your running advice, this blog is for you.

4. DC Rainmaker ( While DC Rainmaker primarily focuses on fitness technology and gear reviews, Ray Maker's insights can help any runner find the perfect gadgets to enhance their training.

5. Diz Runs ( Denny Krahe is the host of the Diz Runs podcast and the author of this engaging blog. His down-to-earth approach to running, and the interesting interviews with runners from all walks of life, make his blog a must-read.

6. Hungry Runner Girl ( If you're passionate about both running and food, Janae Jacobs' blog is your dream come true. She shares her running adventures along with mouthwatering recipes and meal ideas.

7. Organic Runner Mom ( Organic Runner Mom, also known as Sandra Laflamme, offers a holistic approach to running. She discusses nutrition, wellness, and the mental side of the sport.

8. Veggie Runners ( The mother-daughter team behind Veggie Runners, Jayne and Bibi, provide a healthy dose of plant-based running inspiration. From delicious vegetarian recipes to running stories, this blog has it all.

9. Jenny Hadfield ( Jenny Hadfield is an experienced running coach and her blog is a wealth of information. Her posts cover everything from training tips to the mental aspects of running.

So, there you have it, our top 9 running blogs that will help you sprint, jog, or crawl through your running journey with a smile on your face. These bloggers bring humor, motivation, and valuable insights to the world of running. Whether you're looking for training tips, personal stories, or just a good laugh, these blogs have you covered. So, put on your running shoes and start exploring the world of running blogs - your next great running adventure awaits!

Thanks for reading. Stay safe, be seen, and Own The Night!

Dan Hopkins
Knuckle Lights


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