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The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Runners

December 10, 2020

Our Gift Guide for Runners has all of the fun and useful products that will make those special runners in your life happy during the holiday season. Your run-loving loved ones will be ecstatic with such a vast selection, from stylish accessories to practical gadgets, we’ve got you covered! 

Please note: Knuckle Lights is NOT an affiliate and we do not receive any commission or compensation for clicking on these links. 
This is simply a fun list of products that we like.


The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Runners

holiday gift guide for runners boco pom hat

BibRave BOCO Pom Pom Beanie


Sport this fun and cozy pom pom beanie anywhere! With an old school vibe, this beanie offers a fresh style on and off the run.


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Balego Enduro Reflective Quarter Sock


Glass refractive beads knitted into the rib top, provide high visibility reflection for safer running in low light conditions.


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Holiday gift guide for running balego enduro reflective sock

Holiday gift guide for runners tiger tail running gear

Tiger Tail Foam Roller


The Big One by Tiger Tail is the new king of foam rollers and is sleek and powerful. Easily break up muscle knots and release tightness.


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Runner Box Subscription


A box packed with nutrition and accessories geared towards your chosen discipline will ship straight to your doorstep every other month.


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Holiday gift guide for runners box

Holiday gift guide for running craft brilliant thermal gloves

Craft Brilliant 2.0 Thermal Glove


Running gloves with ergonomic fit. Brushed and soft thermal fabric for optimal warmth. Reflective prints for enhanced visibility.


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Orange Mud Gym Bag with Shoe Compartment


The interior of the bag is about 20% bigger than most gym bags and has a Velcro removable and zipper secure dirty clothes bag and toiletries bag.


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Holiday gift guide for runners orange mud gym bag for running

Holiday gift guide for runners roadnoise reflective vest for running

Roadnoise Long Haul Vest with Speakers and Amplifier


The Roadnoise Long Haul Vest with amplified sound is the complete solution for music, visibility and hydration.


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Amphipod Reflective-Burst ArmPod SmartView Sumo


All-in-one reflective arm band and smartphone storage for the best night-run performance.


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Holiday gift guide for running amphipod reflective arm band

Holiday gift guide for runners dryguy running shoe dryer

DryGuy Force Dry Shoe Dryer


Utilizing a gently heated air flow, the Force Dry glove and shoe dryer safely eliminates unwanted wetness from your footwear in about an hour.


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Of course, we couldn't leave Knuckle Lights off this list. Our unique lights make a great gift to keep friends and family safe this holiday season.

Holiday gift guide for runner knuckle lights for running at night

Knuckle Lights Colors


A single battery powers extra wide flood beams that light your entire path and makes you visible to traffic.


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Other Great Stuff

Running at Night: a Complete Guide to Being a Night Runner

Running Gear Rundown: Night Running Lights and Reflective Gear

What the Heck is a Lumen? An Easy Guide to Compare Lights for Running

Dog Walking at Night: Lights, Gear and Some Practical Advice

12 Unusual Benefits of Running at Night

Running in the Dark: Adventures of a Night Runner

Night Jogging or Running, What's the Difference?

Hiking at Night: Is This Really a Thing?

Walking at Night: 10 Key Safety Tips

Running Safety: 3 Night Running Gear Must-Have's to Run in the Dark


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